Who Wants To Be A CanesToday Blogger?

Who Wants To Be A CanesToday Blogger?

It is bout time to start considering who will be the next CanesToday blogger on the website.

This will be a yearly thing at about this time of the year and this is our annual affair in which we try to find the next CT blogger is here and it is time for those of you out there who read the site and say, “Those Guys on the site Suck…I could do SOOOOO much better” to step up to the plate.

Our qualifications to run the contest are simple…its our site and we get to do it. In that group however is a strong diversity of opinion and taste and pleasing everyone will require a top-notch blogger.

 1.  Have an interest in Blogging part-time on the site. This means that you want to do 2-3 posts a week and on weekends, focusing on Miami sports in your own unique style. If you dont think you will have that time, dont enter. If you are motivated to write and have the masses read your writing, the go and do it.

2. A Sample Blog Post of Your BEST work: This is your entry submission and should be anywhere from 300-600 words. Give it to me the best you have it. It can be on any topic relating to Miami sports. You can send the sample piece to CanesToday@gmail.com

3. A paragraph about You: Give me your name, where you live, what you do and anything interesting or important about you. If you have pictures of yourself that help send them. If you have a bio, send it. We will be looking at this for diversity sake and want to have a great well-rounded staff, so tell us why you are the pick.

Remember that you will be writing to CanesToday. So don’t be pressured. But otherwise, no matter your experience level, you can do this. We all started with no background or discernable ability…and now you can too. So get your entries in. Good luck and we all cant wait to read the entries.

The deadline entry will end on July 31 at 12:00 a.m ET.

Trinton Breeze

Trinton is the owner of CanesToday. He writes for all sports, with a focus on football and recruiting, he is a freshman in high school and wants to graduate from the University of Miami

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